Australia · Christianity · Life Application

How to help those in need

Last week, the ABC ran an article about the Community Development Programme (DCP) of the Australian government. In that article it reported that many people who received funds under this program were slugged with fines for not completing all the jobs and activities required for which they received funding. Around 35,000 people are supported by… Continue reading How to help those in need

Christianity · World

World Population to reach 11.2 Billion in 2100

The website publishes from time to time nicely done graphics to present statistics in an attractive way. Recently it published a graphic that makes the growth of the world population visible, and how it is divided over the continents. It is an animated graphic which leads you through the years from 1950 to 2100.… Continue reading World Population to reach 11.2 Billion in 2100

Bible Study · Christianity · Meditation · World

23 April: The End of the World?

Every so often you can read ‘prophecies’ about the end of the world. Often these ‘prophets’ claim to have a special kind of revelation through which they are able to understand the Bible better than anyone else, even better than our Lord Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 24:36-44; Mark 13:32-37). The Rapture Now again, there is… Continue reading 23 April: The End of the World?

Christianity · Life Application

Why Christianity doesn’t grow in Western countries

What makes the church grow? In the New Testament we read that in the first days and years after Pentecost the church grew rapidly. The first days it was about thousands who were added to the Christian congregation in Jerusalem. When through persecution the church was scattered over the surrounding areas, those who fled, took… Continue reading Why Christianity doesn’t grow in Western countries

Education Gems

Who am I?

Identity. Who am I? Who am I really??? The short answer to this question is quite simple: I am God’s child. And this should always be the starting point when we give ourselves the luxury of internal self-seeking. This needs to be the rock-solid truth that we come back to over and over again, also in… Continue reading Who am I?

Christianity · World

Chinese Government applies the blow torch

New controls Early this year the Chinese government implemented new laws and regulations to tighten its control over the nation. The government says it wants to stop religious extremism, unrest, disturbances and violence. However, the regime wants to control religion, curb challenges to its authority and muzzle criticism.   All churches, sects and faith groups… Continue reading Chinese Government applies the blow torch

Education - General · Science and Technology · World

Would you miss Facebook?

What’s on your Facebook today? Maybe a birthday notification? New friend recommendation? Event notification? Photo of what your friends did yesterday (which you should tag!)? Even more important, what buttons will you hit in response? Does Facebook need you more than you need Facebook? Can you do without Facebook? Can Facebook do without you? With… Continue reading Would you miss Facebook?

Christian Schools · Education - General

We don’t want costly schooling!

Public schooling may appear much less costly than Christian schooling (or homeschooling) but is it? Can our children be used to “witness and influence” in an unbelieving school culture? Sharon Bratcher in Reformed Perspective writes about the “need to renew our dedication to Christ-centered, Christ-honoring education”. She quotes Pastor Voddie Baucham, at a Ligonier Conference,… Continue reading We don’t want costly schooling!


ARPA gives evidence to WA Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices

On Thursday 8th March Rob Van der Linde (ARPA Chairman) and Laurence Van der Plas (ARPA Research Officer) gave evidence to the WA Parliament’s Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices. The 50-minute hearing took place in the Legislative Assembly Committee Rooms. After a ten-minute opening statement in which ARPA was able to explain… Continue reading ARPA gives evidence to WA Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices

Christianity · World

Increasing restraints to Religious Activity in China

Ever since Xi Jinping became president of the Chinese Communist Party, there have been increasing restrictions on religious activity. Initially there were some indications that the new government was simply trying to confirm and prove it authority in every area of life. The silent hope was that with time, like in the past, these kinds… Continue reading Increasing restraints to Religious Activity in China