Education Gems

The Latest Gems – From John Calvin Christian College

Almost each week the principal of the John Calvin Christian College publishes a little message that gives parents and the school community something to ponder on. To provide more lasting value to these ‘gems’ and make them easily accessible, we are publishing them here. Please note that they may be slightly edited to make them… Continue reading The Latest Gems – From John Calvin Christian College

Church News - General

Are we following the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands?

With sadness we see our Dutch sister churches going into a direction which leads away from the truly Reformed heritage. Last year we remembered that five hundred years ago the church under God’s grace returned to the Bible. One of the important issues in the time of the Reformation was the authority of the Bible.… Continue reading Are we following the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands?


WA Equal Opportunity Commission to host Political Correctness forum on 15th March.

Western Australia’s Equal Opportunity Commission is hosting a public forum from 5.30pm to 7.30pm on Thursday 15th March at the State Library Lecture Theatre. The forum, ‘Has political correctness gone mad?’, will address whether laws put in place to deter people from causing offence are impinging on other rights such as freedom of speech and… Continue reading WA Equal Opportunity Commission to host Political Correctness forum on 15th March.

Education Gems

Student friendships and groupings

There’s something that is hard to understand. It happens frequently in a school setting, often more than not. It’s actually something that doesn’t happen, if that makes sense. It’s got to do with relationships between students and their groupings. It’s about students reaching out to others who are not in their group. Why is it so difficult… Continue reading Student friendships and groupings

Christianity · World

Too many smiling, dancing, white Christians

Hungary has been in the news regularly in recent times because of defending Christian values, with Hungary’s Prime Minister as one of the vocal defenders of Hungary as a Christian country. He recently stated that Islam is advancing and Christianity is Europe’s last hope. This is not appreciated by the bureaucracy in the European Union.… Continue reading Too many smiling, dancing, white Christians


Pro SSM groups openly lobbying for removal of religious exemptions

ARPA Australia reports that Pro-Same Sex Marriage groups are openly lobbying the Religious Freedom Review committee for removal of religious exemptions in anti-discrimination laws. ARPA writes: The level of hostility towards Christian values in Australian society became even clearer last week as reports emerged about the content of some of the 13,500 submissions received by… Continue reading Pro SSM groups openly lobbying for removal of religious exemptions