Church News - General · World

The Supreme Court as Reformed Synod?

ARPA Canada lawyer, John Sikkema ARPA lawyer John Sikkema appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada last week, making arguments as an intervener in the so-called “Wall” case. That’s the one where the Supreme Court has been asked whether secular courts have authority to intervene in matters of ecclesiastical discipline. The arguments are being heard… Continue reading The Supreme Court as Reformed Synod?

Christianity · Church News - General · World

Canada: Criminal Law protections for worship services saved

Andre Schutten, Director of Law and Policy of  ARPA Canada, reports on the proceedings at a Justice Committee meeting of the House of Commons in Canada, as the committee debated the amendments to Bill 51 and the clause on s. 176 which gives enhanced protections to worship services in Canada’s Criminal Code. The government of… Continue reading Canada: Criminal Law protections for worship services saved

Arts · Australia · Education - General · Opinion

“Everyone did what was right in their own eyes” – Part 2

A fundamental shift As mentioned in the previous article the right understanding of the history of Western Civilization is under serious threat in Australian universities, school, media and the arts. The vital big picture developments and crucial events in history are downplayed and replaced by trendy politically correct subjects; this corrupts the understanding of the… Continue reading “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes” – Part 2

Australia · Christianity

The Reformation

(reported by ARPA Australia) Finally, credit where credit is due. The Hobart Mercury published a guest editorial yesterday giving an overview of the Reformation. The editorial was authored by Campbell Markham, a pastor who faced Tasmania’s Anti Discrimination Commission in August for blog posts about homosexuality.


China’s ‘Chairman of Everything’: the New Emperor

The WAToday runs an interesting article about the latest developments in China. The chairman of the communist party in China recently had himself anointed ’emperor’ by the party’s convention. He was endorsed for a second five-year term, and the fact that he seems to be able to set himself up for a third, indicates his… Continue reading China’s ‘Chairman of Everything’: the New Emperor

Australia · Education - General

WA Police: Ban kids from social media

“PARENTS need to wake up and realise the only way to stop their children being cyberbullied is to ban them from using social media, the WA Police Force warns.” This is what ‘PerthNow’ reported today on its website. The website is quoting acting Assistant Commissioner of State Crime Pryce Scanlan, speaking to an inquiry examining… Continue reading WA Police: Ban kids from social media



the online treasury of the nederlands bach society WWW.ALLOFBACH.COM Some of the great benefits of the internet are that things distant come close, the truly beautiful and done to God’s glory can be enjoyed, and the complex is made clear. In terms of good music the Nederlands Bach Society’s website does all these things. The… Continue reading ALL OF BACH

Arts · Education - General · Opinion · World

“Everyone did what was right in their own eyes”

Part 1 With this year’s 500th anniversary of the Great Reformation, the life and work of Martin Luther, John Calvin and other Reformers have our attention. We are very well served with informative and inspiring lectures and articles. Christian schools too are active in studying and sharing the significance of the Reformation. Sermons focus on… Continue reading “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes”